CLA Culture Think Tank: Breaking Down Silos to Cultivate Connection and Productivity

April 23rd @ 12:00pm EST

Silos are more prevalent today in this new hybrid/remote world of work than ever before – impeding communication and collaboration, creating inefficiencies and delayed decision-making, and degrading employee engagement and retention. However, a path exists to dissolve silos and foster cross-functional, cross-geographical connection and collaboration—the Connected Culture path.

In this 90-minute ThinkTank, CLA’s Culture Practice team will share a methodology to remove ineffective silos using their research-backed Connected Culture Model, infusing connectedness across and within all business processes, driving a world-class employee experience.

If you are inside an organization operating as an executive, HR, or people leader – then this session is for you, and we hope you will join us for an opportunity to learn and also share with peers the processes and tactics you have seen work in transforming silos into integrated, connected work.

*This Think Tank is intended for individuals embedded in HR or leadership within organizations

Working Session
January 1, 1970

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Dr. Chelsea Mitamura

Engagement Manager, Contemporary Leadership Advisors

Dr. Natalie Baumgartner

Chief Workforce Scientist, Achievers; Chief Research Officer, Contemporary Leadership Advisors
