CLA Solutions
Effective solutions are critical elements to the delivering the best consulting services for our clients, and vital to the success of our client engagements. CLA’s solutions have been developed, tested, and proven successful by our own behavioral scientist-practitioners. Some of our best and most effective solutions shown here have been made into ad-hoc, low cost, turn-key solutions for anyone to access.
Improve employee engagement and retention with our SEED campaign.
CLA’s Streamlined Employee Engagement and Development (SEED) Campaign provides leaders with proven, unique, turnkey tools that can be used to increase the frequency and performance of development discussions, enhance employee engagement, and inoculate against attrition, among other benefits.
PLC (Peer Learning Circles)
PLC is our most universally effective tool for development.
PLCs consist of small groups of colleagues who gather regularly and use an inquiry-based approach to foster each other’s development and help one another to problem-solve for their current challenges and opportunities. CLA’s PLC program has helped Fortune 500 companies accelerate development and increase connectivity.
Technology app for analyzing meeting effectiveness.
Leaders report that more than half of all team meetings are ineffective. With ConvoLens, a team leader, facilitator or coach can observe & classify team behaviors and interactions and receive instant analysis of data to assess what just happened. The visual dashboard allows the findings to be shared immediately.
WorkShops & Certifications
Through our strategic partnerships, we have developed effective workshops, curriculum, and courses that anyone can access for their development. Feel free to sign up or contact us about any of the topics below.
Team Coaching Certification
High performing, adaptive and resilient teams enable organizations to tackle today’s complex and volatile business demands. Achieving and maintaining these performance and resilience levels requires effective leadership, teamwork, and sophisticated team coaching.